What are Home Languages?
Why is it important to include them in formal education?

Heritage Language (HL): The language spoken at home and passed down through generations within a family or cultural community. It might not be the first language, but it's an important part of one’s cultural identity and heritage.

Heritage Language Education (HLE): A type of language instruction that helps people learn, improve, and preserve their Heritage Language. This means that individuals can develop their language skills in a language that's important to their family and cultural background, even if it's not the main language spoken in their region.

Heritage Language Education (HLE) is crucial for multilingual students because it:

- Boosts Language Proficiency: Enhances mastery of both dominant and non-dominant languages, leading to better academic performance.
- Fosters Cultural Identity: It helps students feel more connected to their heritage, improving their overall well-being and sense of belonging.
- Enhances Academic Achievement: Students who receive HLE support tend to perform better academically.
- Increases Economic Opportunities: Multilingual individuals with strong Heritage Language skills are better equipped to succeed in the workforce.
- Promotes Social Mobility: Helps level the playing field for marginalized communities, providing equal access to education and opportunities.
- Preserves Cultural Heritage: Ensures the continuation of cultural traditions, customs, and values.
- Fosters Inclusive Communities: Bridges the gap between diverse cultural groups, promoting cross-cultural understanding and social cohesion.